help me draw again! a LF thread

Posted 3 years, 20 days ago by zinnia

so tragic backstory time! not really
havent been able to draw properly in like. 2 months it feels like and it sucks! and i wanna draw again but have trouble choosing my ocs

so i come here............. pls help me by letting me draw ur ocs

here are the characters i want drawn! you can choose anyone you'd like from this tag :>

i can draw anthros, humans, and ferals!

generally im looking for matched effort, i.e. halfbody for halfbody, fullbody for fullbody, couple art for couple art, etc

please approach me with what character of mine you'd like drawn, your character/a list of characters, and what art type you'd like!

my art tab is kind of a mess bc ive been in mmd hell but here's some recentish examples of my art!



