LF Art Trades! (Closed)

Posted 5 years, 2 months ago (Edited 3 years, 13 days ago) by entipikal

I'm looking for art for specifically Egg, Pinecone and the Cherries and but anyone else that catches your eye is fine!

If you want examples of my art, look here! Don't go back too far though because there's some ooold stuff on there-
I'm not looking for any particular style, so just provide an example or two and I'll see what I think!
Oh, and if you have a Hollow Knight OC, there's a 99% chance I'll draw them

I will draw
Humans/humanoid things
Ask about fandoms, but I probably will!
Minor gore/blood
Angsty stuff
Animals, but it depends. Show them to me!

I will not draw -
Extremely detailed designs (mechs and stuff)
Anything NSFW or sexual
Ships. I'm not good with stuff like that unless they're just existing together or something

I can do sketches or lined pieces, but it'll all be digital! I expect around the same back, but don't worry about it too much!
To do list 

If you put what I draw in your character's bio, my username is WipsyWoods, P first. Lots of people make that mistake because my username is a nightmare so don't worry too much!


Hi! I'd love to draw your lil Egg! If you're still open to trades, here are the examples I've managed so far:

Hey, Hi, Hello, How are ya?


Osovo Your art is very cute and I am still open for trades! Who would you like me to draw? 


WipsyWoods You can pick anyone you like ^^


I'd love to do an art trade!! 

I'd prefer to draw the cherries but I don't really mind either!

Here a.is the oc I'd love to get art of!



PixPanda Heeyy, they're a Kittydog! Nice. 

You can definitely draw the Cherries! I'd be okay with drawing Stripe, but I have one question, the two drawings on their profile are slightly different designs, which one do I draw?
I might not be able to draw a full body or anything because I'm not great at animals but I think a bust (if they're a feral) or half-body (if they're an anthro- at least if I'm using those two terms correctly-) would be as much as I can do. The Cherries are all quite simple and small so it's up to you whether you do a full body of one of them or what. I don't mind too much, as long as there is of course effort and more than five minutes put into it and all that stuff


milqshake I can do that! It's really sweet of you to be getting art for him too! 

As for the delay you might have, as long as you don't disappear into the abyss, I'm okay with waiting that long, as long as you send a quick message if you think it's going to take a while, but don't rush yourself! 

Like I said in the post, you're welcome to draw anyone! Mostly because the three listed are quite simple designs


you have such cute characters ahh are you still doing trades?


Usaqii Thank you, and I am! I'm busy for the next few days but I'm still open to it! Which character would you draw and which would you like me to draw? 


Cap is super cute! I'd love to draw a bust of them ;w;