[Suggestion] Manage images->Characters/CopyTag(+8)

Posted 5 years, 16 days ago (Edited 4 years, 11 months ago) by alisenokmouse


10 Votes +1

I had a page with multiple characters on it and decided to make extra tabs for each character separately.
So, the main gallery is for all drawings with these characters, but in the tab of a certain character, you could see only arts with that character.

It's pretty hard to edit each art separately, it would be lovely if we can tag the characters from 'Manage images' page. Like we have the mass character tagger or kind of that.

What I have now (folder with Dennmyre & Alice folder only):


What I'm making (extra split tab with Alice's/Dennmyre's art only):


How I'm doing that now:
Click 'Edit' on art -> Select Characters by ID -> Put ID of Denn -> Submit -> Put ID of Alice -> Submit -> Repeat x100 times

How I'd like to do that:
Go to 'Manage Images' (of characters) -> Select all images with Dennmyre -> Add the character (Dennmyre) -> Update -> do the same for Alice

Technically, now we have 'Move Tab' function in 'manage images' to move the art to another tab, but, welp, it removes the art from the main gallery, but I want to copy that, to let it be in both? I hope you got what I mean. The sorting here becomes hard.