[Suggestion] Character tabs visible in folders

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago by Renjoy

Hello, a while ago I have met with a problem.
I have created AU for my OCs, but on top of it, I created OCs that also don't exist outside of the said AU. So, I created a folder for OCs that exist in the said AU... but I can't have there OCs that belong also to their original universe, because they already are in another, not AU folder. So, at this moment all I could do would be creating a new character profile for their AU version. But that would bother me a lot, to see in the list of all my OCs same character twice. eg. [Derek] [AU!Derek] 

It might be an unusual situation, but perhaps someone else had met with the same or similar problem? 

I think the solution would be an extra option when creating a character tab. An option to make the tab visible in a chosen folder as a regular character. And maybe an option to show the tab alongside the list of all characters would be something that some people would find useful as well?


There already is such a function, and it's called Split Tabs! Just set your tab type to [split] and it'll appear as another character! 0w0)b


216th Oh, when was this implemented? I didn't make tabs in a while, but when I did, there was no such option! :0 Though, in my situation I don't want the tab to be seen with all the characters, only in one folder :c still, thank u for the info ;w;


It was implemented a couple of months ago, I think? Not too long ago, anyway. And you can move the split tab into the folder you want, same as with any normal character! It doesn't have to stay in a folder with the main tab, assuming I understood your problem correctly?


Oh do you mean you don't want them to be seen when you click the View All button?

My only suggestion is to give the Au's  a tag just for them. Then when you click View All you can click the - on their tag and they won't show.


216th Yeah, I figured that thing out! Stormchi guessed what I meant though.

Stormchi Thanks for this suggestion, I'll try it out ;w;


Hope it works out for you!


Stormchi Btw do you know if there is a way to make this characters view (all ocs with -tag ) "main"?


Where it shows up when you click Characters? I don't think there's a way to do that :c