Extra folder feature | 6+

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago (Edited 3 years, 11 months ago) by .✝️Paige Dunn✝️. AutisticallyPaige

The feature:
The folder icon will have an arrow beside the name like so:
ddyge1k-e3778ddb-debc-40f3-a739-6bdf43bfOnce clicked a scrolldown menu shows under the folder like so:

It will then by default show a brief description of the folder, a character count and an image count.
These dropdown menus will be customizable whether you would like to enable it or not and disable the description and/or counts if desired.
The description will be blank until written in by the account owner.

This idea can be expanded on also <3


+1 !



This could be a pretty useful way to list subfolders too!


+ 1 This is a really neat idea!!


+1 this would be pretty cool!


+1 love that!


+1 that sounds super cool!