Folders for tabs

Posted 3 years, 7 months ago by Eryn Ryu_the_4bidden

This MIGHT already be a thing (I'm new to the site), but I've not seen anything about it.

When you have only a few tabs, your page can look neat and fine. This is good if you have say, your main OC, an AU and a value log. Odds are it'll look something like this.

But what about when you have a LOT of tabs. Maybe your character is in 20 fandoms, and has a value log, and has a different section for outfits etc. Well now you're talking something more like this.


And it could easily be WAY more than that. So what if you could make folders to store the tabs in? Something like this.

Where I could open up the AUs folder and see all the AU tabs I've sorted in there. Or open the Sale Info and see all the things like values, designers, what I would want in return etc. And obviously you could make these folders whatever you wanted to.

Please correct me if this is already a thing and I'll take this down, I just thought it would be good for organisations sake.





I may not need this that badly, but I'd love to folder my AUs.