Basically what it says in the title, hahah - I think it'd be helpful to be able to add descriptions to favorites folders! (Not 100% sure if this has been suggested before so sorry if it has - I scrolled back a fair amount in the forums and didn't see any other threads, but it's very possible I've missed something ^^; )

I think this'd be quite helpful for people [such as myself :P] who like to explain exactly what all of their folders are for; using dreamies folders as an example, I've seen people who have profile warnings that say something to the effect of "even if I put one of your ocs in a dreamie folder, that doesn't mean you can offer it on any of my ocs" just as often as I've seen people who say "characters in my dreamies folder are an auto accept for literally any of my characters", so it'd be very helpful to have that information stored in the place where it's most applicable. Even with people who have favorites folders plainly titled "auto accept," it'd be nice to know exactly what those characters would be an auto-accept for if they're willing to elaborate on the topic. Personally, I'd really like to specify in my favorites folders themselves what the different favorites folders mean, rather than having it strewn about the different character folders that it applies to [though realistically, I'd probably just have the information in both places if this got added :P]. Sure, one could argue this is basically the same function the title serves, but there's only so much information you can fit in the 30-character limit and I know I, personally, would like to elaborate a bit more than that.

I'd imagine this would work in much the same way descriptions for character folders do; i.e., you go to the Folder Management page (or in this case, the Favorites Folders Management page), click on the name of the folder you want to edit, and there'd be a spot to type in whatever sort of description you'd like. ^w^

I've never coded a website so I can't say if this would be a simple thing to patch in [my instinct says it might be, considering the base functionality is already there with character folders? though again I wouldn't be surprised either way], and this is probably a super niche feature so I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up SUPER low on the priority list if it does get on there at all, but I think it's at least worth considering. Thank you for taking the time to read this!


I would love that - some of my folders are "I ran through the entire neopets tag and everyone that I faved goes here because they make me happy to look at, but I'd never buy them" and my main fav folder implies it's a dreamy but it's actually just "This design makes me happy to look at, if I want to buy a design I'm gonna look through this folder first, but mostly I just like looking at them" and that's pretty different, imo. -L


yes please!!!


+1, I have a folder that's just, literally every character I find who is named Amber, as that's my name, and I like to see what kinda characters my name tends to evoke. 

I'd like to explain that in the folder lmao 


+1 !!!!!!











