Suggestion: subscribe to characters

Posted 6 years, 6 months ago by ElithianFox

Sometimes I come across a person with a gallery of characters that aren't really my thing, but there is that one character that hits all my aesthetics. I don't want to follow that person because I know that I will be deleting a lot of notifications about characters I don't really want to see stuff about and it'd be dishonest to the person I'm following, but unless I want to go check every month on that character (which would be awkward) I wouldn't get to see any new art of them.

For situations like this, it would be cool to have the ability to follow just one character. It would work the same as subscribing to a user, the user would still get an inbox notif of your sub and you'd get any art uploaded to their gallery in your inbox, but it only applies to that character. Would be a cool quality of life feature!


its been 6 years and no updates but i want that to be a thing








+1 screams



only in support of this if you can toggle off people being able to do this to your characters. someone following one of my characters but not my actual profile would make me uncomfortable. it also creates an easier way for people to monitor dreamies and stuff, which some are uncomfortable with.


+1, but only on the condition that it comes with the option for the character's owner to disable it on their character profiles like you can with comments and favs.



 not that things get implemented anyway 🥴 but that feature is one I'd absolutely use. a lot of users have certain characters I enjoy but the majority isn't what I'm into, which is why I check the characters occasionally for new stuff rather than subbing to the person on which I would disable notifications anyway, so it's pointless. going to the character manually to see if there even is something is very tedious however... I'd prefer a separate sub instead.