Petition to add mass-crediting

Posted 4 months, 14 days ago by Milkroses

I moved my main account to my alt account (basically swapped accounts) which has drawings that I don't want to be on the main account, and I also wanna move some drawings I had on my main to my... new main account.

I guess, the devs didn't think some people will be in the situation to move a lot of drawings (at once)

This isnt necessarily a petition. I just want the feature to mass credit (images, to be more specific)



literally going to be going through this as soon as i'm able to change my name again. It was tedious the first, it's going to be worse this time :,)


+1 to this, I need it badly right now for a bunch of picrew images on my profile. I don’t want to lose my toyhouse account because of those images.