Suggestion: Last time online?

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago by Adzel

I think it would be useful for a feature to see when someone was online last.


I really do wish they'd add a toggle to the feature, though. I leave tabs open on my computer and I hate it when people think they can see when I was last "online". :'0



At that point, if it's been that long, action should be taken (you can contact the admins, who will freeze their account, or write up a psas). I was scammed by someone who took my money and then never logged into Toyhouse again, so it's not like this doesn't already happen. Plus, there are other ways to check activity - uploading characters, commenting on forums, etc. - that would tip anyone off to a scammer like that. And if they don't upload new characters/art? Then that already happens - like I said, it happens to me. I don't see the need to restrict a toggle for that reason.


I personally prefer a toggle-able version for the status as my stupid anxiety doesn't make me comfortable with the idea to be shown as online. I most times lurk and would like to keep it that way.


I just wanted to note that, I'm not sure how TH actually counts you as "last logged in," but just leaving a tab open shouldn't be related to it, if you aren't actually browsing! I just tested it with my trade account and despite leaving the window open beside my main acct for several minutes, it only noted when I actually logged in on that account (i.e. didn't show as 'currently' active despite me even tabbing focus back to that window several times).

In any case, I agree with Comet; it's very easy for people to try to shirk responsibility when there's a transaction going on, so even if it's not 100% accurate, it's good to have some idea of when that person was last at least vaguely present. If you're mostly lurking and don't owe things to anyone, then it's not really a problem! And unlike other sites where it shows active users on the main page, you have to actually dig a little bit on TH to view this stat. So yeah, if you're concerned, a profile note is probably a good idea, but I don't think disabling it would be a good solution.


Hmnn, there might be a way to prevent people from abusing the 'Offline' mode if someone can code it in. Why not simply have 'Offline' players treated as guests with perks? What I mean by that is, if you're set to offline, you can still view and private message friends but have limited access to everything else? Have it so that offline people can't private message users not on their friends' list, create trades or post on the forums? That would prevent most people from abusing the system and HIDING from their responsibilities. Or at the very least, it'll flush them out and give you a chance to track people who might otherwise take advantage while not taking away from lurkers who just want to browse or check in on things.

Alternatively, Toyhouse could always introduce a 'Rating' or 'Punish' system when it comes to trades? For every trade you complete, you'll earn positive points or receive some sort of badge that lets others know you are true to your word. Or, on the other hand, if you're worried about people with badges taking priority in trades you could always have it so that any trade that hasn't been completed within a given timeframe, I'd say 2 weeks or so, will be flagged as 'Under Investigation' and an admin or mod can be contacted to look into the problem. If the user has been online during the trade period, and simply hasn't responded, then they'll be punished depending on the circumstances around the trade.


To be honest I don't really like that guest with perks thing. That would make the entire thing less attractive to those who don't even do trade stuff and just want to be invisible for different reason(like for me because of my anxiety). The rating system iea sounds interesting though I'm not sure how likely it is of a thing the admins want to do as it takes a lot of moderation?


Well, in hat case the user rating system would probably be better. But, in order to give a negative rating, you'd need to provide screenshots or proof that a user has wronged you.

OR~! You could do what LoL used to do and have the case brought before a randomly selected group of users instead of the admins? Have it so that people with positive, active, and continual good behavior can view and vote on whether or not the person being reported, in this case the person shunning their part fo the trade, is to be voted innocent or guilty of neglect or scamming. Depending on how many times a person is brought before the system the resulting vote could get them Temp banned, banned, trade restricted, or a warning?