Character Notification change suggestion

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago by varkarrus

So, right now, we get notified whenever a person we're subscribed to creates a new character. That's all fine and good, BUT, whenever a new character's bio is submitted, it's pretty much always empty / near empty. We get flooded with these new character notifications and never actually check them out because of how rarely there's a new character.

Though, I would love to see my friends finished characters! So, I propose a twofold suggestion

1) When a character's bio is submitted, there's some sort of colored border that changes based off of how much text is in their bio. Like, red for a few sentences, yellow for one or more paragraphs, and green for many paragraphs and/or formatting.

2) Allow a user to send out a "character updated" notification so that people know that major changes have been made to a character's bio. Or maybe they just want new attention for their character, so it should have a per character cooldown so it doesn't get abused.


#2 has been suggested multiple times before! Minsu has said this regarding the suggestion:

"It's been a pretty frequently requested change. We've been looking at how we might implement it for a bit, but no final decisions yet. Thank you for all the suggestions!"

From this thread.


Ah, neat! Good to know :O

sorry for the redundancy