[FIXED] ❗: Don't let ppl delete other ppls images!

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago (Edited 10 months, 3 days ago) by 0urobous

Hi!  I'm a big fan of the tagging system on toyhouse- I think it's really fun to go through and tag your friends' characters in pictures they're in!  But there's a pretty serious loophole...

If I tag someone's OC in a picture, they are then given editing rights to the image, where they can add their own description, set their own crop, etc...  But they are also allowed to delete the image from my gallery. 
All they have to do is go to where the tags are, and delete my OC from the tags, and the image is completely wiped from that OC's gallery..!!


In this picture here, I have tagged a friend's OC, Haruka, and I have the ability to delete Haruka's tag from the image.  Which is innocuous enough, but if I delete the tag, it removes the entire image from her gallery.  And because their OC is tagged here, they have access to this on their side as well, so they are able to delete my OC Haruhi's tag as well, and completely remove the image from her gallery.

This can pave the way for a lot of people to spitefully delete images from someone's gallery without permission should their OC be tagged, or even for someone to mistakenly delete images from their gallery because they don't know that removing the tag removes the image...

If an OC has like 10 images, it should be easy enough to find out which one got deleted and replace it....  But if an OC has a lot of art, it can be a big hassle trying to track down which image was deleted so you can reupload it.

I definitely think that people should be able to delete tags if they aren't involved with the people they're tagging anymore, but they shouldn't be able to delete what's in someone else's gallery when they do so..!

[ +273 ]





I'm  relatively new to toyhouse and this thing confused and annoyed me pretty fast. I did some forum games and tagged users that I did free drawings for because I wanted to credit them properly. And some of them delete them afterwards so they are also gone from my gallery which I found very sad. Maybe users don't want untidy folders with unsorted art of their characters and that's why they do it? It would be better if one was able to sort images of a character so that important reference images don't  get burried by art from art trades and forum games and such.

Edit: oh wait, you can already sort images.


+1 this has always been a concern of mine, and it's made me hesitant to do any sort of colabs, even with close friends, because you never know if something will change in the realtionship or someone will decide to be petty for one reason or another



It's a pretty dangerous thing actually

It would also be a cool idea that when you, for example, want to delete someone else OC from a image, a permission is asked (like when a character transfer is done, having the option to either accept or cancel it, or when you want to add a character that's not yours on an image)








+1 :]


+1 i once accidentally deleted an image like that and it was awkward.....



I'm an archiving freak so preserving art is really important to me QwQ