help w/glitch please

Posted 5 years, 1 month ago by LilyFlower

this is happening to me rn and I'm really confused. heres is the order of things that happens: 

1. I open th and go to my profile and I have 1 (communication) notification

2. I click the notification and delete it.

3. when I go back to my profile the notification is still there.

that is the first glitch but the other goes like this:

1. I go to any forum and have a new message and a communication 

2. I click on the message (the message is from a friend) but it is on there 2 times! the message is just my friend talking but then I sent a message back and it didnt get sent???? (thats what it appears like and theres nothing showing I sent it) 

3. I click each of the messages and NOTHING gets resolved with anything I try such as clicking an inbox will work.

4. when I click on the communication it is the same glitch as glitch one.

sorry this is so complex but pls help!


ctrl + f5 (aka a hard refresh) seems to work, if it pops up on a page, just do the hard refresh and it should be gone


TyrianCallows yes! tysm