suggestion: request credit on art (+149)

Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Edited 3 years, 9 days ago) by canonkiller

I'm sure this has been made before, and it feels like something that must be added already, but I don't see an option for it on character galleries; a way to request artist credit the way character credit is requested? I've had... a lot of people repost art I've done for them and leave the credit as the default self-credit, and it feels like such a small thing to report someone over. It would make things way easier if I could just point out that it needs credit with a button!

If it's already implemented and I'm just blind, I apologize ;w;

(edited to fix the title spelling asdfgh)

October 5th clarification: this would be to add an inline button to request the addition of art credits, the way you can request to add a character to an image or request creator credits; most artists would find it much easier and less stressful to press a button to request credit rather than having to specifically contact each individual person who reposts without correct, or off-site, credit - especially when someone who doesn't credit might be outright hostile to being corrected. It would make the site much easier to deal with for artists for a minimum of adjustment, imo!


+1 please! And maybe add a little comment box so people can prove they've drawn the art too?


+1, sounds like a good idea


+1, also helpful if the person linked back to your social media instead of th~








+1 ; I also think requesting not just for yourself but for any artist (ex. it was done by a deviantart user, you put the link in as a request or if it’s another person in toyhouse).



i have it right in my commissiins journal to please credit my toyhouse but not many do

And i dont wanna bother people by asking them to change it so i dont most of the time. If i could just send a request and have it be as easy as clicking an accept button for them i would feel so much better about asking for my th to be credited




+1 [I saw a piece of art that was credited as "unknown" even though the name of the artist was clearly visible and it would only take a quick google search to find the artist]



