Sorting characters in worlds

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago (Edited 4 years, 11 months ago) by planetABXY

for some reason i cant seem to figure out how to do this? i feel like i must have at one point because my characters are sorted in one folder, but in another theyre all jumbled up

did i just happen to submit them just right or am i blind to the sort button? to clarify i dont like using the "order" option, i like to sort them myself

EDIT:: for clarity!!! this is what i have:: ||| this is what I WANT to have:: is there not an option for this in worlds??


Is this what you're looking for?

Or in worlds, specifically:[your world # here]


Pepperly No to both!

I already have my characters in the world, but i am trying to organize them like in the first link, but in the world itself, not on my personal character page

That second link doesnt let me sort them, only decide which folder theyre in.


still looking for help with this >__< )/


Need help with this too and I can't bump so I must comment. Sorry, I can't be of help <3


Too old to just bump so must make a comment- I can't figure out a way to do this either! If it's not a feature that exists I really hope it'll get added. I'm using a World to put my characters in story folders while still having them based on usage in my own folders, and I'd really like to have the main characters in front.


I'm pretty new to TH and just made a world with my friends- I'd like to know how to do this as well!!


I've lost hope on this thread tbh but im glad im not the only one struggling with this haha


Yeah.... not sure! Sorry guys. Wish I could help, but I'm struggling with the same thing. :P


WIISTFULLY manage characters only allows me to select them and move them between folders, which is not what i wish to do TwT i'm wanting to individually sort them amongst each other within the folders they're already in


Also wondering how to do this D:


Also bumping this up since it is also annoying me :/