Keyword Search Cool-Down??

Posted 4 years, 1 month ago by LouBlue

I’ve never quite run across this problem before, but using the keyword option to search for characters, I’ve found that just after turning to the next page I get this error?


It makes me sit through a 50-second cool down for seemingly no reason, and it’s quite annoying if you’re just trying to look through designs.

My partner has the same issue as well, so it’s not a restriction to my account. Just super confused, and I really hope I’m not doing anything wrong! ;;


This restriction is in place because keyword searching puts a lot of strain on the servers! When searching for something, you can either wait the 60 seconds between searches, or try different routes (designer, tags, etc.) first before trying a keyword ;v;


to maybe alleviate this a little, try going into your settings -> display settings -> characters per page and setting it to something high, like 72. that means you can see 72 characters per page search, so it'll probably take longer than 60 seconds to look through them all, letting you bypass the limit a little. it might take longer to load, though.

you can turn this back off for normal browsing, since it also applies to things like folders. but if you like seeing a lot of characters at once in general it might be a good idea to keep it on constantly! :>