Is parody allowed for characters?

Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Edited 4 years, 1 month ago) by Bloof

I don't mean stealing a pre-existing character and trying to pull the fair use spiel but your work is comedic in nature? Cause I run a parody/satire account and sometimes I use canon characters or historical figures as a form of criticism and sometimes rewrite them to fit the world in order for the joke to hit (like how homestuck just randomly had Guy Fieri as a canon character). 


Real people aren't allowed, even as parody. Guy Fieri was ironically one of the "characters" that got this rule put in place. Canon characters, even as an AU (parody included), are also not allowed.


Pepperly well that seems kinda dumb and against fair use.


Toyhouse's claim is that you own and have certain rights to characters and their designs. You cannot claim ownership over existing people and IPs. Fair Use doesn't cover that.


@notheark Pepperly that still counts as censorship though even if the site allows it. Doesn't make it right even if its legal lol that's like saying youtube is fair in what it does. And furthermore southpark and other comedy shows has proven that parody of an existing character, person or otherwise is still technically under fair use as long as it can be classified as a parody even if it's not funny or engaging and is not about a specific genre or IP alone.