Character theft ticket help

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago by Mooshroomie87

I reported someone on here for scamming me out of a character in hopes of them being returned to me, and I haven't gotten a response in 10 days- even though I tried updating the ticket thread 3 days ago in an attempt to bump it. How long should I wait before trying again-? I know character theft is supposed to be a priority to them so I'm freaking out a bit.


Thank you- I had been considering just sending a new ticket but wanted to make sure I wasn't being too pushy too soon



Still no contact

It's been 13 days with two tickets and I've only gotten the one response


I just assumed something as serious as character theft would be taken more seriously- I've already made two tickets and sent in all the proof needed. Looks like I'll just have to make the character a new TH and just wait


Honestly, I find all of this unanswered tickets and such very strange. I sent in a ticket regarding a user and got an answer promptly in less than a day. Then, I see all of these forums with users stuck waiting on more serious issues waiting for months for any sort of response. A lot of users agrees this needs to change. I hope you get a response soon and get your issue resolved, but who knows by now? At least it looks like you have another plan in mind.


I hope for change- though at this point I might change over to instead. That's the only plan I do have, it freaks me out knowing someone out there is flaunting my property without justice yet



It's been almost a month with no help yet


Aaaaa- thank you- I don't know how to ping them myself


Oh- Oop I'm dumb thank you so much fam ;w;


Yeah- I figured but never could work out pinging

So I've been like

Doing replies wrong the whole time

To be fair I'm new to the forums of TH though


Hey did you ever get a respons?