Is this allowed?

Posted 3 years, 10 months ago by SmokyJax

So this has been bugging me for a while, so I'm actually going to ask about it. 

So a few months back me and a user did a design trade, I went well from what I remember. A month or something ago, I went to put then up for trade, as I couldn't really connect with them. I had redesigned them in hopes to connect with them. I went to ask the user to set the transfer to trade only. They said that they would do that, but if I trade them, I should i give them another character, as payment. But I had already given them a custom for the character. In the end they never turned on the transferability and left me with the character, that will rot in my account. 

So the big questions I have is, is it allowed to ask for another character in return when I already gave then one. As I thought that because I already gave them the payment for the character (the custom) that I should be allowed to trade it. 

I apologise for how horrible my explaining skills are. If you need clarification please tell me, and if you want screenshot, I'll Dm you them. 


Wonderland thanks for that! I have noticed the user has been causing a lot of drama on the forums and has abandoned 4 accounts, to which they say they don't log onto, but I messaged them on the old account and they answered, so I might make a PSA on them at some point, though I'm probably better off letting someone else help write it because I'm the worst at writing things 


What mortymer said, you can still transfer even it says "no transfers"
Sorry to see your having trading trouble, hopefully you can find a good trade for that character!

Them asking for more character just so you can be allowed to trade is pretty much a scam and you should not go through with it, you should keep all your evidence and if they try to pressure you, you should report them.


CrispyCakeChild if they paid you with a custom and want to trade the character for something of equal value, why would they send it back to you..? The issue isnt just that they don't connect, you'd basically got a custom for free from them if they just gave you the character back. not including this in your current tos means you kinda just scammed op dude. if they didnt previously know that you didnt want your designs being traded when you did the trade with them, you cant just put that rule in place now. as op said, theyre stuck with a character they dont want and you arent letting them get their value back, because transferring it back to you isnt a trade... I really reccommend not getting in the way of op since you kinda screwed them over, and then in case this happens again writing an actual tos

unless i read ur post wrong and ur not the person who did the inital trade with op


Mortymer ah OK! I never knew that! I thought if it said no transfer, I just can transfer. Its slightly annoying that I'd have to wait for people to go to my account to see them rather than the trade listing 


CrispyCakeChild if i did trade you them back, I would be losing a whole entire custom, to which you haven't even renamed them from when I had them stored. I would be happy doing a trade back of the designs, if youd be fine with that though l.