How long should commissions take (update 06/14)

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago (Edited 2 years, 10 months ago) by SOUNDBBABE

Ok, so I already kinda know this question. Or at least for myself. 

For me it takes about a week or two. Mainly due to me not having a job at the moment, other than selling art. 

I don't normally commission people, mainly because it's either I know I can draw something myself or people just aren't able to or are uncomfortable with drawing my characters. (which happens A LOT) 

So what's the most appropriate wait time for digital art?

I bought two pieces starting around the beginning of January, only received one sketch back January 19th and that was about it. These pieces are suppose to be both full body shaded, both nsfw. I did message the artist again a few days ago, they did reply saying ' they haven't had time get around to doing it' yet their twitter is active and sometime just posts sketch and other art.

I also have two plushie commissions I paid for. I believe I paid for one in November of 2020 and the other December 2020. Both are separate artists. I know the run around time for plushies since I order them quite often than regular digital art.
The November one said it would be done January 2021, never got finished and they messaged me that I would get some progress pictures mid March. March is basically over at this point, and just like you suspect, I did not receive any progress pictures. So been sorta nervous because I put like, I think $150 into this plush?? I think that was the amount.

The December artist said somewhere around February, that date has also passed. However, based on their last instagram post, mine is next in the queue. They talked about how we should be expecting some kuttari and roll posts (I paid for a kuttari commission, and she only had one slot of those open) So this is defiantly my slot.  Which I'm not all worried about. 

Being an artist myself, I hate rushing people. But at the same time, it's been kinda ridiculous. And I'm a giant push over when it comes to confirmations. 

So any help out on how long commissions normally take for other artists here would be great to hear. 

Update 06/14

One plushie has been completed but not sent out. 

The other plushie I order has still yet to be made. I was told that she would be working on it in May, but it's June now and nothing. I am highly starting to want a refund as I have grown impatient with my order. Though the plush I ordered is one I've wanted for years.

The digital artist has only finished 1 of the 2 pieces I commissioned. Meanwhile they have been posting their own, new, artwork. I have the digital art piece that is fully rendered while the other one I have is only the sketch, I ordered both of them to be fully shaded. 

I don't know what to do at this point. I really do want this one plush commission, but at the same time I have received no updates on my commission, no wips, an no conformation stating that she has begun working on my plush commission. And I just messaged the digital artist about my commission as well. It should have been done months ago. And to be honest, I feel like I should just draw over their sketch and finish it myself. 



As much as I would want to file a charge back, the one in November is most likely past it's charge back date. Unless paypal still considers unprovided goods a good reason for a chargeback. I think the charge back date is like 180 days? or more? I can always look it up, but even the one in January is close to the charge back date. 

There's really nothing I can do but wait.

If I never receive the items I purchased I'll probably end up seeing if paypal can actually do anything, post a PSA, idk. 

This also doesn't really help me with buying future commissions. Since this is one of my first times buying with money rather points or art trades. 


Honestly? As long as there's clear communication, commissions can take as long as they need. I've had commissions that took more than a year and I was very pleased with the end product.

But based on your descriptions, there hasn't been much communication at all. Message both of the plushie artists again and ask for an (updated!) estimated time of completion. If they don't respond, message them again but this time mention a chargeback. That will almost always get their attention. If it starts getting close to 6 months and it doesn't seem like they'll finish within the time, file a chargeback and don't retract it until you 1) get your money back or 2) get your finished commission.

I disagree with @pressdelete though. Messaging once a day is not going to help your situation, as the artist is just going to get annoyed, and be less likely to work with you. That'd be best for a last resort situation where they're just not responding to you at all.

Quick edit: both November 2020 and January 2021 should be within the 180 day chargeback period