theres a person on here called @cumrag who's been posting images of scribbled art and onions and tagging the credit as random artists 


After some snooping I discovered another page called @D0WNW4RD_SP1R4L who I believe might be connected to the account, They have almost 700 comments on their page most from the person themselves. They also seem to have pictures of real Self H and cuts on their art folder, I'm not sure what to make of this and they seem to be targeting a lot of random artists, I blocked both accounts but I'm curious what you guys think? We're filing a report on the spiral person for posting gore images 




dont know if they're the same person or not nor offering my opinion until i know more, just giving the permanent report links


had a look and i don't see the gore? sry im a bit unsmart.


the image is here but i am guessing you removed credit?


foxcrow yes I removed the credit, as for the SH images whether or not it’s still up I don’t know but they were in the profile comment section and the art section if I remember correctly 


foxcrow I had to remove the credit multiple times for the same image before I gave up 


(And blocked them)


Hey, sorry to come in here like this but I just would like to let you all know that these two are not the same person! here's an explanation thread posted by D0WNW4RD_SP1R4L:

I would also just like to note as Kenny's friend that I can personally confirm - they are... like definitely not the same, at all. Also he didn't post any IRL gore, I definitely would've seen if he has. Unless you meant the other user, but... yeah. Just adding in my 2 cents here. I don't personally know this "cumrag" person, in fact they always put me off just a slight bit - not to be mean or anything, I just tend to have doubts about 22 year olds randomly interacting a lot and acting a bit too close for comfort with like, teenagers, so I understand your concern completely. 

Though I do sorta think accusations of 2 users being the same person and accusations of uploading real gore on the site probably shouldn't be thrown out into the public without proper confirmation, I definitely do get the feeling of needing to warn your friends and all that. Sorry if I seem somewhat insistent about "proper proof" somehow, I just have certain unfortunate negative experiences with public misunderstandings blown out of proportion that I also happen to share with Kenny, so...

Please don't take this as me being hostile, I genuinely just do not want misunderstandings like these to occur, since I do happen to know first-hand how much they can suck. If you red this till the end, thank you and please take my words & Kenny's response into consideration.


PINKEGODEATH Sorry for assuming that they were the same person, I see now that they're not, but there was real life gore imagery in a few of their posts, After a second look one of them was not posted by them, just in their comment section. so my mistake. But there was a drawing they did that had a real life picture of what looks to be a crime scene as the background? 

Aside from that, I wasn't wanting to create any drama out of this really, my threads don't usually get any traction and the original thread was a genuine question, I will say one thing is how they're acting online makes them extremely vulnerable as a minor (IRL pictures of themselves on toyhouse/venting publicly) I'm really not here to cause a fuss it's genuine concern 

(I was not aware of the persons age when making the thread, hence why I assumed cumrag and them were the same person) 


CalicoRex Don't worry, I get that you didn't want to start anything up, really sorry if it seemed like I was trying to imply you were. I didn't know about that drawing, so when I can I'm gonna try to talk to Kenny about it. Also, I definitely agree with you on the last part, it's something that has worried me for a while now, but I never said anything about it because I didn't want to cause any distress (and I was concerned it wasn't my place to do so, I do think we're friends but I'm not really sure if close ones?), but I probably should say something about it, I suppose. Thank you for the response and clearing things up - I just wanted to inform you since I think it's important that information is... correct and all, I guess. Hope you have a good day and all.