need help with images

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by ghstown

 ive noticed when i upload pictures here that theyre desaturated and look super dull compared to what theyre supposed to be😭

any idea how to fix this?? i dont think its a file issue bc i uploaded the same thing to deviantart and it was fine. thank you in advance x


Do you mind showing an example of it being normal vs being desaturated?


It's a long time issue here on TH and I believe it depends on the art program your using and the color profile it uses. Unfortunately I don't recall if anybody found a tried and true solution for this specific problem, but have you tried swapping into a different color profile on your application (In photoshop it's called color settings under Edit)? 


Messing around with the Working Spaces option equivalent in your application might help this issue as there are tons of presets for RGB/CMYK/ect and each one is coded to render colors differently depending on their usage.