im very new and i want to customize my profile but i can't seem to figure that out and are css a premium thing? i know the basics of what to do the profile but really any tips for a beginner would be greatly appreciated


Yea css is premium only, but anyone can have a html code anywhere. You can search for them through the browse function, many are free. To insert it you need to go to edit profile, turn off wysiwyg (its good to go to your settings first and turn it off permanently on profiles, the codes break otherwise and theres no way to fix them) insert your code and then fill it out however you want. Most codes are very helpfully annotated, but if youre confused about something/have never worked with html before just google html school and it should explain the basics to you. Theres also circlejourney i think its called, basically a live preview of toyhouse codesĀ