Pose help?

Posted 5 years, 4 days ago by Kirbygal

Hm hello guys, I'd like some redline help on how to fix this ;; I didn't realize the hands and feet didn't line up until I used the gridlines and then I didn't know how to edit it without messing too much of it up ;;  The bodies are supposed to be sitting on some sort of box platform (a flat one,  not with those fake stairs I threw in lol) 

Thankies so much ;;




I apologize for my scribbly hands x///x. Your torsos are a bit long for your leg proportions which makes the anatomy a bit wonky. If you pull up the thigh toward the chest (and elongate it just a little bit) You should achieve your desired outcome! Feel free to sketch on top of my redline if you find it useful ^^


VoidChild Thankies so much  ^^ Both the notes and the sketch were helpful; I did another sketch over the redlines and some further edits and I think I like how the new one came out now :D
