TH live code editor [1 MILLION PAGEVIEW UPDATE]

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Edited 9 months, 21 days ago) by circlejourney
I've made a World for code editor discussion and suggestion! It would be great if you could post suggestions there so they're all in one place.

Toyhouse code editor with live preview

Bookmark it on Toyhouse


Preview your HTML/CSS code in various layouts as you type.

Toyhouse watermark previewer

Bookmark it on Toyhouse


Preview watermarks applied to images without uploading and regenerating.

A couple of code utilities for making certain aspects of using Toyhouse less tedious! The code editor shows a live preview of code as you type it, and the watermark previewer lets you preview the appearance of watermarks on images.

I created these tools to help make coding and applying watermarks easier. I'm not affiliated with Toyhouse and I'm maintaining these for fun in my free time. (If you'd like to support me, you can donate to my ko-fi.)

These are works in progress, and I've been fixing all bugs that I find/am informed of. I'm always happy for feedback, suggestions and bug reports! Do check the "known issues" section on the website to see what has already been reported.


SparklyLightus thanks for catching that! I cannot recreate the error in my Firefox, but I have just pushed a change that I think will solve what I think is going wrong there, let me know if it's working for you now?

EDIT: and just to help me with debugging, did that error appear after you closed and reopened the page, or in the middle of using it?


It's working fine now!

EDIT: It appeared when I opened the page (with the horizontal layout), but the bottom buttons were visible, once I clicked to change into the vertical layout it all turned white. I'm assuming I had the luck to open the page while you were editing and it messed up but I'm not technical enough to be sure LOL


SparklyLightus That's good to hear! And, that's possible--the other possibility is that your browser had an old version of the page cached--I just updated the code to force the files to refresh so that could have fixed it.


okay first off i love this code editor...
second i wish there was a feature to see the code in different themes? like if ur doing CC u would prolly make sure it looks well in all themes,,, idk i just think it would be nice :-]c


serenevintage do you mean the different TH colour themes like default, night etc? There is a Theme menu in the bottom left corner, if you click it, it will let you switch between themes. If you meant something else, let me know!


how did i not notice this wow thank you so much!!!! 


hello, ive had this problem for I think 3 updates on the editor now When I try to make the html field bigger it goes super fast to the top and then never comes down again, which means I can't see anything of what the code looks like when on Toyhouse

recorded the thing happening

I love this editor a lot, it saves so much time! Right now I just have to use the version from Dec 27th as that one is the only one without the problem that wants to load on my browser


Also reporting this bug I have! Apologies if it's already resolved

Whenever I use the vertical layout option and I make it bigger or smaller, the html side goes black and I can't edit it anymore. I need to reload the page for everything to function properly again.


Astronnut What browser are you using? You're right that I updated the way resizing works in January, and I noticed that it functions differently in different browsers. I may have missed your browser when testing it.


I use Safari! I do use google/ecosia as the search engine if that makes sense



Astronnut ahh, that explains a bit. Is that on a computer? I am aware that there were issues on mobile Safari and maybe my quick fix is correcting in the wrong direction for the desktop version.


circlejourney Yeah its all on computer! I don't know if I also have the issue on mobile as I don't use it on mobile


Astronnut Gotcha! I'll look into this at my next free day, thanks so much for letting me know about it 👍


Oh-- I'm a little late since I've been busy and I just saw this! But thank you so so much for your hard work, I LOVE the vertical update <3 !! It feels great to use and is exactly what I was looking for!