TH live code editor [1 MILLION PAGEVIEW UPDATE]

Posted 5 years, 2 days ago (Edited 6 months, 19 days ago) by circlejourney
I've made a World for code editor discussion and suggestion! It would be great if you could post suggestions there so they're all in one place.

Toyhouse code editor with live preview

Bookmark it on Toyhouse


Preview your HTML/CSS code in various layouts as you type.

Toyhouse watermark previewer

Bookmark it on Toyhouse


Preview watermarks applied to images without uploading and regenerating.

A couple of code utilities for making certain aspects of using Toyhouse less tedious! The code editor shows a live preview of code as you type it, and the watermark previewer lets you preview the appearance of watermarks on images.

I created these tools to help make coding and applying watermarks easier. I'm not affiliated with Toyhouse and I'm maintaining these for fun in my free time. (If you'd like to support me, you can donate to my ko-fi.)

These are works in progress, and I've been fixing all bugs that I find/am informed of. I'm always happy for feedback, suggestions and bug reports! Do check the "known issues" section on the website to see what has already been reported.


You are a savior dear! This makes making sure code doesn't break while editing!


Bringin this back to the front page bc it's hella useful. 


Using the s out of this


OH MY GOD. I love you SO MUCH.


Aw thank you everyone pk8Q88A.png I say this often but I am excited that people find this useful. I myself use it practically every time I make a post haha


omg this is so useful, tysm!!! gone are my days of refreshing and checking another tab for every minor edit, haha


thank you so much for this ; o ; it's so helpful especially since i just switched to completely no WYSIWYG mode so for beginners this helps i'd suggest an undo button since right click undo doesn't do anything but other it's just amazing <3


Polariiss oh I didn't notice that. I'll see what I can do about it! Meanwhile, Ctrl+Z does work for me.


Thank you so much for this!!!!


AzuelZorro102 It's working fine for me so it might be a problem on your end!


AzuelZorro102 ah most likely reason for that is that you have your Javascript turned off. Let me know if it happens again, I'll be happy to weed out the bug (if it is one).


I love this so much! Thank you for the hard work you put into this!


I love this editor, saves my crying over codes like it's IKEA furniture.

I've noticed this morning that accordians aren't opening on the live preview? The code itself works, but it doesn't drop or close for me.


I'm not sure if this is an exclusive or even a fixable issue, but when I paste codes into the box, my cursor is offset by a couple characters.

So when I add spaces, backspace, or type in new code; it does it about 5 or so characters to the right of my cursor. This doesn't happen if I start typing in the box, but as soon as I paste it gets like that.

I use an iPad pro that runs desktop versions of websites if that helps.