the snail's shell | HTML

Posted 4 years, 29 days ago (Edited 1 year, 4 months ago) by snail-legs

the snail's shell

hello! I go by snail, and I'm here today to present you with my HTML codes! most are free-to-use, but a couple are pay-to-use or pay-what-you-want :>

latest code: 30. head in the clouds , 14.09.2022

the codes!

all of my codes can be found in the folder linked below!
some personal favourites: loose-leaf, noted, blocks, portrait

my codes folder tip jar

terms of use

  • Keep the code credit intact.
  • Don't use the WYSIWYG editor.



i really like your codes! planning on using spill and wikimania! ^^




new code! <3


Hi! I wanted to inquire a bit about your terms of use? I'm currently looking for a user profile code that could be used in my Closed Species, and your codes look like they could fit the bill. I would have to do some (possibly quite a bit of?) editing and adding snippets, and be able to share the edited code with the cs users. Credits would be untouched of course <3

I was wondering whether this amount of customization was allowed with your codes? I wanted to see whether you would be okay with this before I started experimenting c:

(Regardless of your answer, I find your codes absolutely beautiful and I will probably be using a few on my personal account for my characters!)

Edit: I forgot to add! I will be making no monetary gain from the code - it will be a simple f2u profile code for the species


Aexotrice_ML go ahead!  as long as you're keeping credit intact and not using the WYSIWYG editor, I don't mind what you do with the codes.  I'm glad you like them :)
(though now that you mention it, I realise I would feel a bit put-out if someone was making money off of a f2u HTML I wrote, and I don't think I'd want people redistributing my p2u code for free either haha.  will add that to my terms proper when I finish work today, thanks!)


snail-legs Thank you so much!


dropping by to note I'm using the oc trading card code for one of my rpg chars!! really love that you get to add their own backgrounds <3


I'm glad you like it!  oc trading card is one of my faves haha :)


hi!! currently using your trading card code as my regular bio, it's a beautiful code n i just love the concise-ness of it all :-) just wanted to ask for some help with it but was wondering if there's a separate thread for that kinda thing?


islands aa I'm glad you like it!  I don't have a seperate help thread or anything, but feel free to dm me with information about the problem you're having and I'll probably be able to help out :-)

I'm away from home this weekend so the help I can give might be a little limited until monday, but I'm happy to take a look and see what I can do!


Gonna be using a few of your codes, they look so pretty!


Your codes are amazing! Just used one of your profile codes, if that's okay :3