the snail's shell | HTML

Posted 4 years, 29 days ago (Edited 1 year, 3 months ago) by snail-legs

the snail's shell

hello! I go by snail, and I'm here today to present you with my HTML codes! most are free-to-use, but a couple are pay-to-use or pay-what-you-want :>

latest code: 30. head in the clouds , 14.09.2022

the codes!

all of my codes can be found in the folder linked below!
some personal favourites: loose-leaf, noted, blocks, portrait

my codes folder tip jar

terms of use

  • Keep the code credit intact.
  • Don't use the WYSIWYG editor.



Used the wikimania, thanks!


I'm going to use Wikimania for my cats in my Omens+Subfolders folder!

 Nadja Kovač indiphrence

using 'side by side' as a shorter profile!


ahh, I'm glad people are using my codes!!! <33

I've made two more: sona and cosmos!!

sona is a tabbed code made for 'sonas!  the tabs are for AU! versions of your character, but can be used for other stuff too!  see my own sona, snail for an example of the code in action!
cosmos is another user profile code!!  I wanted a new one so I went and coded one up!  at time of posting you can see it in action on my own profile :-)

all the thumbnails in my coding folder are starting to expose how often I change my TH theme hhhh


thank you so, so much for sharing these! i'll be using the bubble layout for some of my characters with shorter bios :D


Thank you very much for sharing these amazing layouts! My 3 faves are Cosmos, Wikimania, and Journal, so I'll be using them! :D


Wonderful codes-- I might try and use them when I'm less busy askjjksdnds, but for now I thank you immensely for your hard work!


wew i love these! might use one :OOO


these are really dope!!! I am gonna use some of them, thank you!!


I think I'm going to use Wikimania for my characters, thank you! :-)


Thank you so much for making these available!! I'll be using some of them!


thanks for all the lovely comments, I'm glad people like my codes!! <3

I've made a new code, called spill!  It's meant to be another more wiki-style code, and I think it came out pretty cute!
I also took part in the 2020 coder advent calendar, and while it's not advent anymore, there are some really cool codes there that are well worth checking out!!


Your codings are so nice!! I'm using Midnight Oil, ty for making em

