HTML/CSS Whitelist & Tweaks

Posted 9 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by lulu

I'M NOT A FRONT END DEVELOPER omg i should really hire one but i'm literally never going to get around to it i'm so sorry 

Anyway if you see anything in the source that could be fixed to make skinning profiles easier or if you need any specific IDs or classes on elements make a post and I'll see if I can add it in for you (it's basically entirely dependent on whether it breaks current profiles or not).

Also, if you wanna use certain tags / attributes and you've noticed that they're blacklisted just post here and I'll see whether I can add it in for you, ye o/


(Also not a whitelisting request whoops) lishu THANK YOU I DID NOT MEAN TO POST THIS HERE AHDISHDI;; I meant it for the html question thread and must have misclicked, thank you so much for the answer


I second the backface-visibility request!


would adding aspect-ratio as an attribute for divs be possible?
edit: would it be possible to put in pointer-events in the style attribute for clickthrough divs?


Are there any resources for what does and doesn't work when it comes to the bootstrap library?

I can put something together using bootstrap v3, put it in a text file, open it in chrome and have it work exactly as I expected. But if i copy that same code into my character profile here it doesn't work at all.


Would suggest to whitelist vertical and horizontal border-radius!
I was just working on a Tamagotchi pagedoll with HTML but since vertical / horizontal (ex: border-radius: 50% 50% 50% 50% / 60% 60% 40% 40%;) isn't available the base of the code ends up looking like an egg instead of the recognizable Tamagotchi shape which has a thinker bottom. Example of this.



begging for the inclusion of the -webkit-background-clip and background-clip style tags. it would be nice to have gradient text, i think.


Putting in a request for border-image-width to be whitelisted; I'd also like it if both width and border-image-repeat were whitelisted/parsed properly for the shorthand in border-image. I noticed that source and slice both properly parse, but anything added beyond that gets cut off. I've figured out a workaround for this in the meanwhile, but it's hacky and feels bad, so I'd be happy to not have to resort to it!


backdrop-filter would be amazing to have! I have a couple of codes which could really profit from that ;w;


rotate doesn't seem to work ;o;


🅱️lease can we have the clipPathUnits attribute for SVGs!! It's so difficult to resize them responsively and after hours of searching the web the only way I can find is through this attribute.

I also second inclusion of backdrop-filter and the -webkit-background-clip background-clip duo; in the meantime if y'all need a replacement for the latter you can cheese it with this if you're chill with a horrible ugly pile of spans lol

can we maybe also pretty please have perspective and transform-style: preserve-3d; for cool parallaxing effects? :))


I would like to see the pseudo-class ::nth-last-child() work. If :nth-child() works, I see no reason why the other doesn't.


To add onto @mrpuppychow's post, ::nth-of-type() would be extremely useful!

I also noticed ::nth-child() seems to not support math? It seems to only accept (odd) or (even), which is somewhat limiting depending on how one's profile code must be structured.


moonbunni re:CSS help request, this is the wrong thread for that. I'd suggest you go check out the help thread instead. You'll likely get a response sooner over there, anyways, if you haven't already, considering it's been a month since that post.

For something a little more on-topic, are we allowed to call JS scripts in our HTML? I've been throwing hands with the Pinterest Pin-It button ever since I reinstalled the plugin, by which I mean I want it off of my pages. And from scrolling their documentation, it looks like the only surefire way to disable it regardless of platform is to call the script manually just to disable it.

First, make sure you’ve included the 


 script on your page. Remember, you only need to include this once per page, no matter how many Pinterest widgets you use. See Getting started; Opens a new tab for tips about how best to include our JavaScript on your site.

I've only been hesitant to try it just for science's sake because I'm not sure where in the profile information the body section of the page ends, if at all, and it seems they want you to call it after rendering everything else, not before or during.