Coder Advent Calendar

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago (Edited 3 years, 4 months ago) by Itto

2020 Coder Advent Calendar

Holiday Time is upon us, so a group of amazing people and myself have collaborated to bring you all some fun gifts in the form of an advent calendar! On the set day, one of the coders listed will release a code available to the public as a gift!

We all hope you enjoy it! There's a mixture of coders in the line-up eager to show you something special they've made you! Stay tuned, and Happy Holidays!

Event has ended!

Feel free to join us on our Discord Server! to find out about the next one!

Saved space.


Saved space.


slash You're totally fine! I saved the spaces I need and will be posting each template here when they release. Thank you for your support!


woah, how exciting!! i can't wait, thanks so much everyone!!


Thank you for hosting this fun event, and to all the coders participating!


Thanks all for the support!

fujiwara Each tile is going to be updated with their template, which is why it's blank right now!


🥺Im excited


Very excited to see all the lovely codes! (and likely use some too~)



13th of December

  • Mobile Friendly.
  • Collapsable
  • Scrolling Boxes
Holiday Message

I had no idea I would come this far with my little hobby and I am grateful for all the kind words I have received. 2020 has been wild and I hope the future will be brighter for everyone. I hope you like my small gift to the community.
Thank you for all the love and support! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!