The Codes of a Person | ACP's Coding Thread

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago (Edited 2 months, 1 day ago) by acodingperson
recent bulletin
hi hi!!! tis ACP's coding thread, place that i have forgotten way too many times LOLOLOL. consider bumping this thread to support me if you like my codes x33 all feedback is welcome!!

03/02/2024Added Extensive Undergrowth.

11/23/2023Added just a small one.

08/05/2023Added tiny mf.

08/01/2023Added dunno what to name this.

05/01/2023Added Detailed User.

04/01/2023Added keysmash 1.

03/31/2023Added lavender.

02/04/2023Added Stable.

12/25/2022Added well it's a thing.

12/12/2022Added Minimal bundle.

09/25/2022Added Aubergine.

08/04/2022Added Pink Offset.

07/29/2022Made Tedious RP Meme.

06/24/2022Made y'all it's so tiny omg.

06/13/2022Made Even More OwO.

03/15/2022Added Lil Funky Thing.

01/08/2022Added Smol & Sweet.

01/04/2022Revamped A Look C.

11/21/2021Added Deffo Red.

11/05/2021Added Shawty.

10/26/2021Added IDK LOL.

10/13/2021Added A Lot UwU.


Update (01/04/2022): Revamped A Look C, f i n a l l y. hopefully the new versions are better than the conglomerations of spaghetti from before--


New code released! Smol & Sweet is a simple user code. Hope you enjoy <3


reviving this, LOL!! don't worry folks i'll come out with a new code soon enough ^-^'. gotta get through exam week first rip >.>


New code!  Introducing Lil Funky Thing, a compact HTML layout intended for use on user profiles.  Enjoy <3


Henlo, I really like your new profile code (already using it!!), but I have a question: What do those four progress bars mean? I kindaaa think it's, like, the progress of my character profiles, but then again it doesn't make that much sense to me either :']


Sunnara hi!! tysm for using my code <3.  the progress bars i listed can be assumed to be as follows: health, smarts, magical prowess, and stamina -- and they're placeholders for stats you actually desire.  you can change the stat by changing the icons (that means replacing the words in front of fa-).  please refer to Font Awesome v5 or Font Awesome v6 for icons.  if you'd like to specify just what each icon in each stat means, you can add tooltipster inside the <i class""> and add title=[STAT NAME HERE] inside the i element.  it should look something like this: <i class="fas fa-heart text-danger tooltipster" title="health">, and it will add a tooltip that shows up each time a user hovers their cursor over the icon.  please note that everything in my layouts are fully customizable; they're meant to be changed and edited to the user's content :)

hope this helps!  thanks again for using~  if you have any more questions, feel free to DM me ^-^


Oooh, I see! Thank you for the detailed answer, that really helps a lot <3 I think I already got an idea how I'm gonna use it ^^


Sunnara np np <3


I snagged your 'Lil Funky Thing' to use on my profile! Lovely work!!


agrize tysm for using!!!


I adore all your codes and I'll deffo be revamping my account to feature more than two heh ^^


ThatRandom tysm!!!


New code!


much thanks to those who bumped this!!