
Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by _night_0wwl

still a huge noob to coding in general so please bear with me. i was wondering how to make gaps between lines when coding

^^like this. I tried copying what I saw in previous parts of the coding but it doesnt seem to work. and while im here i might as well ask, does anyone happen to know why the text on my front page seems squished? its right up against the grey box and its really bugging me. any help would be appreciated, ty


what code are you using?


If you mean text just like this:

<p> text here </p> 

<p>Text here </p> 

And for no gap or to just shorten a sentence you can use <br> in your line.

<p>this is a <br> very cool text  </p>

Hope that helps :)

Oh and you can add a padding to the class. This will add space to the content on the side. like p-2 for example. 


Animaniacs you can find the credit for it on my page to the right, but heres a link:


Skykristal that worked, tysm!