๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿต Leporidebug HTML [Updated: 04/11]

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago (Edited 1 month, 9 days ago) by Leporidebug

Thought I left a comment but I guess I hadn't! I'm using the Bird Office code!

That said, I am having a bit of trouble when it comes to the smaller icons in the Bird Office Code, in the Connections section! The images aren't showing up. I've tried hosting the images on different sites or even pulling from ToyHouse itself, but it still won't show the image. I've left the code as is and I'm just pasting where it says to :( The main like portrait section works just fine it's just the 150x150 icons for relationships. If it matters I'm using Pinky's Clean CSS along with the template?


REEFSHARK Looking at the template, it would seem that the CSS might be the only thing I haven't tested for, but if the main portrait works okay, this wouldn't explain the troubles you were encountering... can you perhaps show me where the code is used?


I'm using it here! The only thing I've added to the CSS is to make the scrollbars invisible and to take out the top info box that's seen in default toyhouse profiles.


REEFSHARK right, I see I see... perhaps you can try removing bg-faded from the icon cards? let me know if that changes things?


AH that worked!! thank you!!!




using the Linger code! All these codes are so amazing!^^

Yuri moonilymoth

using the code on this oc! tysm!


moonilymoth looked out of curiosity, it seems like you might have some troubles with tab navigation on mobile...? Not sure if this is a result from the CSS or something I should be aware about (checking..)
[ checked ] This issue seems to come from the fact that the overall card was hard specified to be height 270px. You might want to consider readjusting ^^


oh hm youre right! i didnt test mobile view, so ill look into adjusting that

edit: fixed the issue! it was because i put a height specification on the banner image specifically, not the card, which was causing issues. deleting it fixed everything, so ty for pointing it out!


moonilymoth nice!


Two more revamps: 02ii.Markdown and 20ii.Interview.


Using 02ii.Markdown for two characters! I like your codes they're really neat :D