🐇🍵 Leporidebug HTML [Updated: 04/11]

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago (Edited 23 days, 6 hours ago) by Leporidebug

using reload!


I did that before. Otherwise I couldn't even get a link for my images. But I assume based on what you said the issue might be that I'm on a phone instead of a laptop. 

Well.. That sucks


Shadowpaw_123_ I can see the screenshots now. You were not using the right link, and you did not try what I've suggested. Long press the image to open it in a new tab. Use the URL that appears at the top, which should look similar to ie. https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/....
I will not help you further until you've followed the steps of what I've told you.


planning to use budding! thanks for the great templates!


Using Turvy for my profile!! Thank you so so much!! <33


I'm having a bit of trouble adding a song in 53.Live

I keep adding the link but it doesn't seem to be playing, just kinda refreshing the page as if it's trying to I think


Oh for real! I probably misunderstood you the first time. I apologize for that. I didn't know I actually have to open it in a new tab. It usually worked with only the image's link. It does appear now as the avatar

Now.. Is there a way to change the color of the letters to pink? I know you mentioned something in the desc, I read it but I'm not sure if I understand it clearly. And I don't wanna mess it up... .. I kinda feel bad for asking so many brainless questions.. You know what? You don't have to answer if you getting very annoyed with me. What matters is that I finally managed to edit the avatar and I'm thankful for your help.


Clubbingclown Did you follow the steps as detailed in the annotations? Remember that you shouldn't be adding the entire youtube video link, only the video's ID.
At times due to the music being enclosed in a link < a >, if the cursor doesn't land pixel perfect you might be led to the youtube video itself, but I haven't been able to replicate this error.. please let me know any additional details.


Shadowpaw_123_ It is natural if you're not familiar with coding, the situation is slightly more complicated by the mobile platform (not impossible to edit on mobile, but can be quite inconvenient), that is all. Though I do appreciate if you could try to follow the instructions in my notes first, you could have resolved your question a lot sooner.
Regarding text color, you would have to know what type of text you are modifying. Given if we are still talking about "Gently", there is a list of color hex codes at the very beginning of the template that asks you to search and replace if needed. It is outlined by main body, background, accent, etc.


It's the one called respite now. I managed to edit everything except the color of the text (and the background color but I assume it's not actually white then just transparent) It's grey. And trust me I've tried to follow your instructions I'm just.. Bad at propely understanding it either that or it's because english is not my first language. So does the respite has a color code too for it's text?


Shadowpaw_123_ Right... Respite is only accented, the color hex code provided is for both the basics items and the icon decors. The rest entire template is bootstrap colored and we do not use a color code for it. To change the color of the overall text, one way is to go back to where the wrapping container is and add color:#[hex code of your color here] to style. Background of the main card content is changed by going to the first card instance under MAIN PROFILE CONTENT and adding background-color:#[hex code of your color here] to style.

All these are basic coding edits you could see in the coding tutorials I've linked to in my terms of service, if my text instructions alone are not enough.


Ohh I got it now, I didn't disable WYSIWYG out of habit, works perfectly with it off. My bad haha


Clubbingclown I'm glad you resolved it, then ^^)b




First two test run commissions are out... working on the other two ;v;` I might decide to contact the remaining people who filled out the form if I think I will have time..! Sorry for the lack of communication on my end as I work the templates out one by one.

edit: also, thank you for the comments! ( ´▽`)