She gone

Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Edited 4 years, 7 months ago) by Pinky

Since I've moved all my sales to gumroad, i really don't need two threads anymore !! From now on if you're using freebies please post here !


I'm using one!! thanks so much, it's seriously appreciated!


Using Frame!

And have read the rules!


I'm using one of these! It looks so nice, thank you! I read the rules, as well.

Jantria Candra tessuwu

I've read the rules and I'm using one of your themes on this character! Thank you for the resources


Read the rules and used for my profile!


using Grid for one of my boyos, thank you <3


I love all of these Ó <Ó I think Journey is my favorite though, it might be my go-to template! Thank you for all your hard work!! <3

EDIT: I've also used Use Space for my profile! Thank you again!!


Planning on using some of of these! Great work! :D <3


I haven't quite yet, but I plan on using one of your profile templates for my page. Thank you so much!


commenting to say im prob gonna use your frame freebie

also ty for being so nice as to offer free content along with your purchasable stuff :)


I'm gonna be using Journey for my other fandom OCs as well as my original OCs! Thanks so much for letting us use these! ^^


I’ve read the rules and will be using “User Space” for my profile ^^


using some of these, thank you so much!