Introducing Toyhouse Profile Generator!

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Theoooh

Toyhouse Profile Generator


The Toyhouse Template Generator is a website that allows you to directly customize a toyhouse template and directly generate a ready-to-use HTML code! The site allows :

  • To modify the content of the template
  • Add images, trigger warnings, and relationships
  • To modify all the colors of the template
  • Generate a ready-to-use HTML code

How to use?

  1. 1) Add and edit your content on the generator
  2. 2) Customize the colors of your sections
  3. 3) Click on "Copy HTML to clipboard"
  4. 4) Paste it in the creation page of your character
  5. 5) Here you go!!

Support me

If you like the generator and want to support me you can :

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If you have any question or idea don't be afraid to send me a message on twitter or to put a comment in this thread!
Thanks again for seeing my page! I hope you like this generator ~

Go to the generator

Exemple - Mibot


A cheerful robot, designed to help the staff and newcomers of Milabs laboratories.

all the drawings were made by Ram_drawing


Safehou-se does the same thing, but with more template options!

This is very neat tho :)


Ohhh I didn't know that at all! It's INCREDIBLE really it's super well done and nice to use I really like it ;;

But I'm really sorry to have made this generator when yours is about 100000 times better and more practical ?

Thanks again for your feedback ;;


gldkgjlasdjgl don't be sorry!! i think yours is nice + i just thought you'd like to know there's another out there if you planned on making more templates in the future :] would prob save u some time hahaha


this is really cool!! i love the tilt options and how clean it comes out ^^ the choices of flags and other little badge images to add is also a neat touch!


this is fun!! the video is very helpful too :D i dont know anything about coding so thank you for putting this together!


Thank you so much for telling me about it!

I had just made a simple html template for a friend but since he doesn't know how to code I wanted to make a system to modify it visually ! And I don't know if I'll make other templates, I hate bootstrap and it frustrates me not to be able to do everything in pure css and js :')

Thanks again for telling me about this site!


Thank you so much!!! ;;

I wanted to make a simple but pretty design ! And thanks again ! For the flags I tried to put as many as possible but I know I forgot some, but that's why you can put the image you want !

Thanks again for your feedback !



I'm glad the video helps!

And thank you very much aaa ;; it was made for people who don't know how to code so glad it helps !