Free HTML Character Template

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago (Edited 3 years, 6 months ago) by WhoIsSeco

Made a simple template for my own OCs and wanted to share it.
I have moved this codes to my storage account PersonalStorage
If you have questions please contact me Buwui and not my storage account!

Basic Star Stats | code
Basic Bar Stats | code
Basic Non-Stat | code
None of these codes are mobile friendly. I'm too lazy for that -v-;;;

Some rules if you decide to use:

  • This code is free to use and always will be.
  • Feel free to use as a base//edit anything to fit your needs
  • Turn off WYSIWYG before editing.
  • If you need help editing these codes feel free to message me Buwui. (It may take a while for me to respond!)
    • I will not help you edit another user's template
    • Generally, if you copy from <!------SECTION NAME------>to <hr style="width: 100%;">you should be able to safely insert/rearrange the sections without any problems.

If you like this code or plan to use it, please let me know by posting in this thread!

Update June 2019 - Trimmed down text because it was a lot for so little
Update April 2019 - Updated things to adjust to my name change.
                                 Additionally removed credit to myself from my profiles. You are free to keep or remove credit to match these changes.


This is beautiful. Don't know if I'll use it yet but I like it!! 


using ☆


Using (eventually lol) <3

♡ Ryo jev

I absolutely love this theme!!! reminds me an old book?? I'm using this layout for my character ryota and i plan to use it for my others as well, thanks so much!!!


I love this layout so much/// I'm using it on all my characters fyi It's so beautiful and looks really professional

Alberich possumroyalty

Thank GOD for this lay out. It's perfect for Alberich here. A lot of the other layouts I've seen just didn't fit his character at all, but this is... nice and plain, without looking too terribly barren. It's almost elegant.

I used the code for the GENERAL section to make an APPEARANCE section.


Yooo, just wanted to pop in here and say I'm glad people like these layouts.
I'd thank you to each of you individually but I always feel disingenuous when I just say "thank you" over and over in one thread about the same thing. ;;;;;
So thank you for the comments. <3


Like these! I'll probably use them at some point! 


Hello, I am using the star stats <3


I'm using the star stats!! These codes are super cute ♡


using the star stats! wonderful coding >w<