Bootstrap Q

Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 6 months ago) by FidgeMimic

I'm having issues trying to add in more containers of different sizes without the picture on the side of the above profile getting all whacked out and being pushed to the bottom. I'd really like to be able to add a full sized container/row beneath the ABOUT and IMAGE area, but any fiddling with the sizes of the containers that I try to add on ends up with things not adding up right. If I'm not explaining it well hmu and I'll try and maybe doodle an example or take a bunch of screen caps to show what's happening.

OK COOL SO I FIGURED THAT BUNCHA STUFF OUT - but now I have to ask , how would y'all usually handle putting scroll bars onto boostrap containers? I've found the code that allows you to tack on scrolling to div code, but I'm not sure how to do it in a way where it'll show well on all platforms or if there even is a way?


I'm just at work right now but by quick looking I would say that you need to add a new row as you otherwise try to squeeze everything in the same row as the other containers otherwise, resulting in the troubles you mentioned.


KnightOfSpring I think I've tried that? But ending the row ends up pushing the image to the bottom of all of the information. The image itself is located under the code for the credits too, so if I try swapping the places for the two sets ends up kind of goofing up both sets of information. I'm wondering if I should talk specifically with the creator of the code to see if they can help me, but I've asked them a lot of questions recently so I'd kinda,,,, feel bad.


Not sure how exactly the code you use is built up but replicating it and adding a new card at the bottom does work for me. unknown.png?width=869&height=468


KnightOfSpring That's!!! Kind of what I'm trying to do. I want the links below everything though. No matter what I do, I can't seem to shift those around without something wigging out.



Ah, ok, if you figured things out that's nice. You can ping me tho if you still got some troubles. Maybe I can still help then.