rotating images with UNIQUE LINKS

Posted 30 days, 10 hours ago by zoska

HII :]
so by default i use for rotating images on my profile (bottom left corner chibis)
right now i only have two shitties but as i collect them they're also going to be added to this rotation, and i'd really like to have them link to the respective character's page!
grumpybumpers doesn't support coding in image links so if i try to <a> or anything etc. etc. it just breaks the image by default
i'm wondering if there's any similar sites that support link embeds on images, or if there's a way i can code the images to rotate + link the images (or even css it, but css scares me)

if it's premium only DO STILL POST ADVICE!! i might go ahead and grab premium again exclusively for this if that's the case ^_^


There’s a way to code a spinning image without having to make a gif and use links! Try using this code below:

<a href="charalink"><img src="charaimage" class="fa-spin" alt="it spin" style="animation-duration:1s"></a>


wobbuffet AH OOPS i meant rotating as in the images swap randomly on refresh! thank you regardless though!!!