I ain't going home alone tonight (( KaiXIris RP ))

Posted 8 years, 3 days ago (Edited 8 years, 1 day ago) by Aqua



Second shot of whiskey, and currently ready to order another.

But it still didn't work.

Kai was too miserable, he felt not any type of alchol would work.

Maybe his rising state of drunkess was having the opposite effect, for he couldn't forget the conversation him and Noah had only a few hours ago.

"I'm sorry Kai, I'm taken."

"No, I'm not just saying that."

"Stop that! You don't know him like I do..."

"I..I told myself I wouldn't care...." he groaned. 

Oh, but he did. To see his old lover again, brought up all kinds of dormant feelings that he originally thought were dead, but once he began being around him again, he felt so happy, so energetic.

And it only came crashing down once Kai was told he was no longer taken. And even worse, he felt he had no chance at winning Noah back.

His only option, at least the only one Kai could think of, is to mope about the bar til closing.


It had been a wild day

Then again, all days were wild for iris. Given her lifestyle it was only natural that she take the time to unwind. Running away from the cops was an exhausting job.

What better way to recoup than go to her favourite bar and have a few drinks, tell the bartender about her day and the like. She had experienced a rather fun encounter today while on the run that she was all too keen to tell her friends about. After all it wasn't like she got to kiss a good looking stranger everyday. Especially if she was using them as a cover for the cops.

Imagine her surprise when she saw that very same stranger in her bar.

Iris smiled as she made her way over to the bar, seating herself besides Kai as she saw that his drink was nearly empty "oi, two more over here. Put it on my tab"

The bartender made the drinks and placed them down in front of the two. iris picked hers up and took a drink before leaning on the counter, looking towards Kai as she began to speak

"What's a Handsome man like you doing round here looking so mopey"