Posted 4 years, 4 months ago (Edited 2 years, 5 months ago) by labratory
This thread is no longer in use.

Sometimes students want to wait until others have posted, because they are not sure what to say. You can imagine, if everyone waits, no one starts! We encourage you to be that student who inspires others and gets the ball rolling.
Rainsford labratory

Oh no, I’m late, I’m late, I’m late! Sorry class AH-

Rainsford ran in, nearly slipped on the floor but quickly caught his balance. He held a stack of papers in his arms that, well, flew out all over the place. But most of them- the important ones anyway, still remained in his grip.

Goooood morning class! I see there’s lots of new faces here this new semester! Yep! If you’re a newcomer, I welcome you to come introduce yourself next to my desk.” 

Mr. Rainsford panted, his big tongue rolling out. He was still trying to catch his breath, it was hard being the size of an overgrown pear. The German Shepherd groaned as soon as he sat down in his chair. Belly nearly popping out. But, since this is Rainsford we’re talking about, majority of the students probably weren’t even new. But please! Don’t take his forgetfulness to heart. Sure, he’ll mistaken you for another student, mispronounce your name, but if it was one thing about Rainsford was that the dog was always open to hear about the daily lives and struggles of his students. Simply because he cared. Rainsford was a kind hearted man by nature, perhaps it was his breed. The natural instinct he carried to protect his students.

But if not, without further ado, let us begin! I don’t know if I reminded my assistant Cliff to come today, but if not it’s nothing a guy like me can’t fix!” In fact, he wasn’t completely sure he even contacted the wildebeest.

 “These papers I’m holding are the tests you guys will be completing today; when you’re finished you’ll neatly stack them on my desk and be free to be released. If you have any questions regarding today’s assignment, don’t hold back!”

Rainsford smiled big, nodding to his own statement. While everyone stood up to grab their quizzes, the fat shepherd pulled out yesterday’s left overs, homemade Mac and cheese, a overly seasoned thin steak, and a stale biscuit. Nothing could beat his cooking. His daughter only mentioned so!
Oh, and alwlso? If yow didn’t seemf my email I sent, my nawme is Mr. Rawmsford. I’m your English profewwsor!” He continued eating, with his mouth full.

(Scoring will begin when enough students arrive

Andy ❤️ jackingnapier

Andy had been on time to class, looking up from his phone as the professor came stumbling in. He sighed a bit, knowing this semester would be.. interesting. He stood, collecting the stray papers. "Good morning, Mr. Rainsford." He said as he lined them up neatly, and placed them on his desk. "I'm Andy Harley. We met briefly last year." He smiled a bit, and took a test. "Looking forward to this year, Mr. Rainsford." His nose twitched slightly, avoiding a spray of crumbs. He soon sat back at his desk, looking over the test.

(Idk when we put the score so ill just. before he leaves i guess akdks)

Monique ((AA AU)) Mezzaluna

Monique had exited the library in quite a hurry and had managed to make it to class on time.  She had wanted to head to her dorm to check on a few things, but she just didn't have the time and instead had gone straight to class.  She was currently seated in the front row, keeping her eyes to the front of the classroom while trying to ignore every student around her.  She preferred the back where felt more safe and hidden, but the front always offered the best view of the board, plus there was nobody big to block her.

After the introduction from her teacher, she got up and grabbed a test.  She quickly returned to her seat and nervously looked down at the paper.  She skimmed through the entire thing, feeling her paws (hands?) shake with each turn of a page.  She could feel herself begin to sweat a bit and her heart began to beat a bit faster.  This was normal.  For as long as she could remember, Monique had always experienced a bout of anxiety on test days.  She was used to it.  It was a problem for her, but at the very least, it was a manageable one.

With a deep, slow breath, Monique grabbed her pencil and set to work.  She had at least gotten to review some, if not most, of her notes before the big commotion at the library began.  She got this.  She could do it.  She would get a decent grade.........hopefully.

Goneril Lapan Mommui

Goneril had been on time, of course they had, punctuality was important. Though they didn't mind that Rainsford wasn't, the dog had garnered some odd amount of respect from Goneril. The rabbit sauntered up to the teacher's desk.
"Good morning, Dr. Rainsford." Goneril had no idea if this man had a PhD or not. The rabbits face scrunched up as they watched the German Shepard eat, what a mess. Then he began to talk with his mouth full, manners had gone to the dogs...metaphorically. Goneril swallowed any remarks they were going to make as crumbs were flung on their shirt. The rabbit's fur bristled. 

They silently walked back to their seat, avoiding the instinct to call out the..rudeness.

(Goneril i swear to god if u dont test high)

calvin cubecuts

Although his break hadn't lasted that long Calvin felt relatively recovered after the library incident that had gone down earlier. He had gotten some studying done, but it had mostly just been him listening to a "lofi beats to study to" stream and doodling in his text books. The familiar anxiety resting on his shoulders reminded him of its presence. Oh well, it would probably be fine.

His lumpy tail slid along the floor and he walked into the classroom, grabbing a test and taking a seat a little closer to the "crowd" than usual. A scaly hand reached down into his backpack and retrieved one of his nicer pencils along with a pencil grip. Cal gave his phone screen, which of course was a drawing of his favourite anime girl Fauna, one last look for good luck and hunched over the test. Quiz time!

[godspeed lads...]

Rainsford labratory

Goowd Morning! Amdy!

 Rainsford wagged, swallowing whole the biscuit on his paper plate- quickly grabbing his water bottle to water it down which felt like it was stuck in his chest. If it was one thing to take note about this professor, it was that he always ate with his mouth open. Unintentionally disgusting. He didn’t remember Andy very well, but not many bright orange squirrels attended the academy. Students came in left and right, silently grabbing their test pamphlets and seating themselves.

 The shepherd got comfortable quickly in any environment he was in, kicking up his two legs on the old desk, leaning back onto the wobbly chair that creaked every time Rainsford shifted/moved. His mood really brightened up when he was called “Dr. Rainsford”, it always made him feel so superior! He was so excited to start the second semester.

Giggling, “Morning class! Don’t feel too pressured on your first day, if you remember, I sprained my ankle last semester during our study on literature. This assignment is just the actual test from the book you all had plenty of time to read while I was on leave, “Wrath of Instinct.” I really want to get this out the way before we move on to anything else, heh! Now, I hope you all got my email regarding our test score method.”

When ready, click Draw now after choosing numbers between 10 and 100. The score you get is randomized, and cannot be changed unless stated otherwise. If you’ve studied/visited in our Library, any score you get is a double 20% percent (you will have to add it up yourself)

Montell "Monty" Jayson labratory

Ernest immediately went to work. He’s been preparing for this for the longest now, and he was absolutely ready to score this test.



83! Well, he wasn’t proud of himself but it’ll do. The jay was hard on himself, so used to getting nothing but As. To be honest, he was a little disappointed.


Monique ((AA AU)) Mezzaluna

As soon as she heard the teacher's reassuring words, Monique felt her nervousness wash away and her courage renewed itself.  Reading books were her strength and remembering the stuff in them came easy to her.  It was her favorite part of English.  She finished fairly quickly and went ahead and scored her test.....




.......She got 100!  Monique smiled, not believing her luck.  Due to being a master procrastinator, she never knew what she would end up scoring and it would always stress her out.  Sometimes she would score high, especially when a test involved something she thought to be easy, but other times she would struggle and not score what she hoped.  This time though, she was rewarded with the best score she could have hoped for.  Hopefully, she would be able to keep this up as the semester progressed.

[Akdjceh Thank the lord she got a good score!  .....Now I have a bad feeling the next time she's gonna score really low.  Just watch..]

Goneril Lapan Mommui

Goneri had barely read the book in all honesty. They hated it, it was overly complicated and the theme was distressing.  Either way, the test still needed to be taken.




.................................................................45? 45? Goneril wanted to cry. What tragedy! What woe! What...Goneril finally understand the stupid theme of the book. The rabbit slumped in their chair, their velvety ears drooping.


Daisy Rainsford Mommui

Daisy was pretty sure of herself, afterall her father had read the book outloud for a week prior to the start of the school year. Something about the cruel instincts of animals being akin to the larger social issues of the town, forcing the rabbit protagonist to have to survive in a predator dominated society that is increasingly isolating them. Or something. Something like that, right? Maybe?
....64! Daisy knew her dad would probably be disappointed. However, Daisy is satisfied. Even if she failed to get the details of the book, she managed to the overall concept. She was the daughter of an English teacher afterall. She had been kinda distracted, besides she wasn't the best at schoolwork anyway. Sitting down that long is just boring! 

Jason labratory

Holy damn, it’s been ages. And I mean ages since he’s read this boring book- I’m sure the rest of the class felt the same way but he was almost positive this wouldn’t have a good outcome. Jason took a deep breath and rubbed his temples, grabbing a pencil and getting to work so he could get out of here. Mr. Rainsford, you... you goofball.


97?!? Wow! This felt so great. Man, was he curious what Teddy would score. In fact where... where was he??? But gosh, this was so unexpected. Jason ... Jason felt hot. 

After finishing, Jason got up and returned his paper onto Mr. Rainsford’s desk to head out. Thank god class was cut short one the first day, even though we had a stressful test to complete. 


Nash labratory

The water buffalo ran through the opened the door, coming to a stop realizing he finally made it to the correct class. Half late to class, eyes were red, breathing heavily and all- Nash didn’t look so good.

Finding a seat, Nash growled to himself and balled his hand into a fist. What the fuck was this?! A test?? On the first day huh, Roger Rainsford? Typical. Groaning and rolling his eyes, he angrily started his test. And not on a good note, the nerd he paid gave him all the answer keys to a DIFFERENT assignment. Had he known Mr. Rainsford was literally going to bring up an old project months ago he would’ve gotten an easy 100%. He was livid.


He remained to himself, and quietly returned his paper to Mr. Rainsford, without a word.


Rainsford labratory

Rainsford finished his meal, gazing upon the turned in tears. One glimpse at Nash’s made him cringe.

Students... I’m so proud of you! It’s been a long time since you’ve read this book, I’m mighty impressed. When you’re finished, come turn in your papers and if you have any questions do feel free to tell! Class ends early today, so when you’re finished is when you’re excused”

Daisy Rainsford Mommui

Daisy slowly stepped up to her fathers (teachers?) desk. She silently placed her test down, not looking at the German Shepard. Pressure sure had a way of building when your dads the teacher!