
Posted 9 years, 5 months ago (Edited 9 years, 5 months ago) by  ossan minsu


Tesserabbits (from tessera and rabbits, also known as tessebuns, tessepines or tessies) are bunny kemonomimis with stained glass ears. Their culture is fragmented, being a nomadic species attracted to any large congregation of people. They show up during any time of festivities and due to their jovial nature mingle very easily with other mixed-species societies.

Tesserabbits are defined by two unique attributes: their stained glass features (usually found as a pattern on their ears, though it can also show up on their tails or more rarely, in the form of stained glass wings, horns, or other appendages), and a halo. The tessie halo will appear when using magic or becoming emotional or excited, backlighting their heads and causing their ears to light up.

Though the back of their ears are soft like skin, the insides have a glass-like texture. It’s possible for their ears to be shattered or lose fragments of the glass, being quite fragile - this is physically harmless and painless but may cause shock and affect their magical abilities. The ears can be repaired (you can probably just… glue some glass back on and the skin will magically patch over it...) but otherwise will not naturally heal.

Their magic tends come in the form of blessings and charms. It’s common for tesserabbits to be able to temporarily give people good fortune, improve moods, heal minor wounds, restore memories, so on and so forth. They are often skilled creatively, and may excel in areas such as art, craft, writing, poetry or music.

Dark Tesserabbits have black glass ears. These tend to have magic in the form of curses or blights including illness, bad luck, or poor moods and disorientation. Their halos seem to radiate darkness.

For some reason tesserabbits seem to have an attraction to round objects, in particular anything colourful or brightly decorated. This fascination leads them to hoard eggs or other holiday-themed ornaments.

Tesserabbits are currently an Easter-only species!