Show me your Long-Haired Boys

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago (Edited 11 months, 16 days ago) by Poodlette

Hehe; one look at my profile and you can tell I have an obsession with long-haired male characters <3

I'm working on growing my children-- I even have my current ones under a special tag.

I'd love to see your long-haired boys as well :-D

Long hair, ofc, differs based on who you ask, but I would generally say that anything shoulder length or lower is considered long ;>

Dimitri xXStarryPuffyDreamXx

fish boi

Desdemonia Lunifred


Nathair Osane Mercer DragoChou

Man, long hair ocs are fun! I have to put in the rest of my long-haired ocs in soon!


I have a lot of long haired dudes, and Dennis is certainly one of them.

Gino Hooker Donut-Toast

Gino has long hair!

kiryu sokattsu

his hair isnt the longest but he’ll never cut it

Tsuyoshi Jijing


Cormac Firahel dogheaded


Mark that-one-digi

i mean. do mullets count?

Greyson Donald YoctoCrunch

Him! My favorite long-haired boy OC right now 🥰


Ace softservekiss

his pfp doesnt make it very clear since its his object design but his human design def has long hair!!

Litchi Baisol

the robot boi

Bayaz Conlee PowerYetUnknown

His hair length is whatever I really want to draw it as.

Porcupinepatch Powgal

Would he count?

✠ Father Daebann ✠ Artsy

My unimpressed boiii