Show me Your Killers

Posted 4 years, 9 months ago by tobitaka

Okay, so if I somehow missed this thread I am so sorry but: hello toyhouse I would like to see all your murderer characters

Serial killers, yanderes, self proclaimed vigilantes, etc etc. I just want to look at ‘em. Frankly they’re fun characters to analyze and create.....

I’ll start below!

 Oliver Hailey Phazed_

Rich British gay boy with mommy issues. He got an accidental addiction and now he's hooked. He can't go a set time period without hvrting/k!ll!ng someone otherwise he'll start to snap.

Benito di Mercurio Vapor

this is benny. he has no art. he likes snuff! and like most serial killers, he has mommy issues!

Timothy Daemon tobitaka

Getting this post back up! Not a serial killer completely, but Timothy has had his fair share of murders !

KI-TOON PoundToundHound

I got a couple but my IC is my favorite!!!

Walter Peterson xdeewolfx

walter's a hitman but a softie at heart!! he melts when he sees a cat but he will also kill a guy if he needs to

The Milkman Milkman

Ah yes here is my milk lovin' serial killer.

And a cereal killer :3c

Synth K1RA

He actually kills a lot for no reason as he's unstable during nights (due to his locked mask based on the species lores) but soon when he met his love of his life, he does have a purpose to kill random people like a shopping spree and feed it to her as food. Yes... his mate is an Alien and he's really the odd one out.


I have a few killers. - He may not look like it, but he is an assassin.  He is friends with a woman who has a serial killer girlfriend, though I'm still working on creating them. - She murdered her family and in an AU, even killed her best friend/crush/lover.  She suffers from a mysterious mental illness that causes her to go insane and extremely violent.  She never remembers what happens during her episodes though, so when she kills she is unaware of what she is doing until it is too late. - Anyone he touches immediately dies.  It is a curse that was unintentionally bestowed upon him, so in order to keep everyone he cares about safe, he isolates himself.  Bit of a vigilante.

Lɪᴄɪɴɪᴜs LittleBiit

I have multiple killer characters but I think the one I have the most depth with is my sweet-face, yandere girl. Her whole backstory talks about her past living in a cult like environment and having to kill to survive, both because she would have been killed and because she is a wendigo which by nature eats humans. Her first kill when she was little set her down a road of death and destruction.

 getsuyoubi 021VII

getsu, my emperor moth oc who goes around killing for fun. no real reason *shrugs*