Show me "one color only" characters

Posted 4 years, 2 months ago (Edited 2 months, 11 days ago) by Skykristal

Let's see all the very simple characters ^^. All characters with one or max two colors! Small details like the eyes don't count. It's fine if they have a different color. 

Trevion atempause

he's pretty much just brown

Flip Spot CatWolfMask

Majority of my characters are simple. So it's hard to choose.
But here's my tail-mouth dogo.

Haku Minn

My precious Haku is mainly blue <3


Only brown and white (except for  his eyes and skin.)

 Wally Osovo

I have a mime boy and a slime girl with limited color pallets like that! I love them, and it's such a fun design challenge!

Tree & Red Ofthyena

Well. Red is...completely red lol

 Hax Brodent

My bby Hax is like 95% yellow!

Montaña moryonenn

Just an orange dog.

Droide RAZPberry

Probably this one. My simplest oc. 

Black and red/yellow/blue depending on variations. 

OTA / Trade / Art Roheryn

The first one to come to mind; 3 shades of dark grey/black, and the eyes.

uzh pixiekinz

blue and grey all over

Penny SkywardtheDragon

She‘s just purple.

 Shadow Bakerinator_Old

He's only black

Pathilogia PoundToundHound

His red nose but that's all lol