What Would Your OC Give the OC Above You?

Posted 7 years, 9 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by KermitTheII

Forum game. Hurray.

If your OC were to give the character above you a present. What would it be?

Since there are no posts yet. First post will be telling what they would give http://toyhou.se/449244.hirano-pepotta

Gimghwue Siemnei-cu

I...w...giv... Miss Yol...ko a hairpin... *Disappear*

Haimon SuperStar2361

a cuddle... before proceeding to fall asleep on her lmao

Cross Stitch EtherealPrince

 "Something fluffy, I dunno. I could make you a stuffed animal or a pillow or something if you want, kid."

"Just try not to get any blood on it, yeah?"

This post has been removed.
Kent Dawson MathewMii

I will give her a job to satisfy some of my gang members.


I'd give you one of those huge whey protein powder containers. Y'know... for your guns.

 Jean Ouellette Kinene

 I'd probably give you a cat that needs a home! That or a tattoo.

Viseli James CALLNXW

A white flag. Cuz you're a frenchie, y'know?


my main fursona (tyler) would probably give them some rad shades B).


"I-I'd give you a band-aid with flowers!" //gently puts on back


 A nice bow.. to go in your hair. Maybe red... you'd look nice with red.

Beryl Chell cosmonautiks

"Some care from my watering can for your flowers, and a crown made of asther flowers." Then she adds, "Please take care of yourself."

 Saskia Michaelov Kinene

 A tumblr so you can make more posts about "Self Care"

The Silly Ewe MathewMii

I think she needs a sweater made from my body hair.  Fluffy sweaters makes humans happy, right?

Dzhed Modwri

A hand-knitted sheep-cozy.