Characters that share a profile

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago (Edited 1 year, 4 months ago) by  Oasis Twins Nynebark

Anyone else got any? Whether it's a set of complimentary designs, or they’re never seen separately for story reasons, I‘ve always found characters like this to be really neat lol.


These dudes- They're identical twins so I saw no point in giving them two separate profiles.

 Mithra Azarola Xedite

They share a body, so it's only fair they share a profile too.

It's still a wip but I've had fun with it so far!

 Ivan, Ilo, and Elo jukeboxes

Ivan, Ilo, and Elo are my best example (they share a body and a main profile, but each has at least one tab within the profile)

The other one is Crash and Richard! They don't share a body, but they're nigh inseparable regardless so it seemed like the right choice to me!

 “Soldier, Poet, King.” 1815

The three bois

Treble and Bass Coasty_Vic

Haha, these two are practically inseparable twins

They represent the 4/4 time in music

Tree & Red Ofthyena

They're roomates lol

TBN Limeless

Probably them


all my characters that have links/are in the same universe share a profile code because i like how it links them together

 Nariayana "Aria" Ocora ShadowOath

These two--only because Ioaki is Aria's familiar <3

Pike and Rafferty foldedstars

these two!

sceny and core-y glamfur

sceny and corey!

 Perro & Pájaro Geiger

Extremely minor characters but I love them too much to not give them their own profile

Jasper and Bob SmokyJax

Two kitty bros who aren't seen apart, as Jasper relies on Bob to help him to communicate. :D