Piñatas! 🍬

Posted 3 years, 6 months ago (Edited 3 years, 6 months ago) by Fiesta Skykristal

So I kinda have a weakness for pinata themed characters. (Also because I was very obsessed with viva pinata back then) and I wanted to start a thread for it since I couldn't find one. I feel like one existed but maybe my memory is wrong xD 

Please share your pinatas with me. They don't have to be actual pinatas with candy inside or something. Can also just be themed or related in a way. 

I feel like these are quite rare? I don't see them often at least. Plus point if you own a viva pinata oc :'D oh and please share one or two fact about them instead of just dropping your character and leave. It's interesting to see what they're about.

I'll start of with Kobi! One of the small amount of characters which I didn't made myself. But.. he just catched my eye and I had to buy him because of my pinata weakness lmao. But anyway, Kobi doesn't have much background to him. He's kinda a design I have just laying around but he's meant to be a party lover who escalates quickly. Overall a very energetic soul. I love him and I should probably develop him more. 

Worm Gloomy-Butt

Here's my Viva Piñata worm. :o