What are your characters for? 🤔

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Edited 3 years, 3 months ago) by 4LeafRose

What are your characters for/how do you use them? I've been really curious lately to know how people use their characters and what the purpose is. It occurred to me that everyone doesn't use them the same.

Do you make visually appealing characters that you can draw?

Do you collect cool/cute designs for fun?

Do you build characters to write and is it for personal enjoyment or are you a writer?

Do you have mostly fan ocs to be more involved with you favorite fandoms or to write fanfics?

A little of everything or something entirely different?

I must know!


I'm planning on making some object shows on Youtube, so the majority of my object OCs are for those.

I'm also writing some stories, and some of my OCs are for those.


I have a comic for them and I have them in the sims

They are just fun to jave and do stuff with :'3


little bit of everything honestly!

  • i'm a visual artist, and i like drawing out my characters and filling their galleries. plus i have very specifc preferences/ designs i want, but can't find a character to trade/ don't have the funds to buy and adopt/ custom, so now i just make my own designs
  •  when i had that very high trading adopts phase, i did want to collect designs that fit my preferences. of course, afterwards i traded away those that i didn't love as much as those i currently have, but hey at lease i got some nice art in return. and also reiterating my first point, i just can't find designs i like and can get nowadays :'D
  • i can't write, like. it's hard to write my ideas and what i'm thinking so it's all stuck in my head. however for ocs that have a world and story that i am (trying) to write down and still in my head, i take my time on coming up w/ new development.  i still like coming up w/ scenes w/ them either for story purposes or just as a general joke thing, and i usually make a small comic about it. i would love to make a long time webcomic for fun for some of them but.... ehh i don't think i have the discipline for that right now
  • i have a few fan characters and i used to be super into them but... they're kinda dormant rn since i prefer using my original characters over fan characters :') i'm not even into pokemon but i have a bunch of gijnkas jut bc i like designing them lol

They're for my enjoyment first and foremost, and usually that's just thinking about them, but there's times I can write stuff out and share them better, can't do art but free bases are a thing so I can at least visualize them somewhat for art purposes when I have the funds. Got one universe and that's enough for me, good to focus on the one than others for me, others do multiple universes really well so it can be done, just probably not by me :p


A lot of them have bios, but I struggle with writing a lot, therefore most of my hidden ones are unfinished and will probably remain that way for god knows when. Because of that, I prefer to draw my OCs for fun 100% of the time. I also have like CS characters, all of which are Pacapillars, but I prefer drawing and using my own characters over them, so I don't really draw/use them often. Same for my Fan Characters, except they're just... there, and basically have no actual use whatsoever other than the fact that they just look neat. I tend to create new ones if I'm in the mood. I've been focusing on adding more humans in the mix, as well as creatures? I like designing characters I guess.

Tl;dr: I often use my OC's just to draw them and may create new ones if I want to.


I use them for art reasons, mostly animations about their backstories and pieces of art. I also use them to daydream about random stories.


I'm split,

some of my characters are really there for me to draw/because I like the look of their design and they don't really have much personality.

But I think most of mine have stories and worlds (though usually only in my head, I rarely actually write things down for them except for a few pieces of info and basic personality stuff)

if a character is only around because they're pretty I don't see them lasting for long. they usually get sold.


I have characters largely to roleplay and express myself in various ways. They're around to play with friends or my partner, really! I like connecting things. It's just fun, and completely unique every time, I get bored and frustrated writing stories by myself, after all.


Most of them are for warriors universe that I just can't stop adding onto