Your ~youngest~ character! (by their age)

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago (Edited 2 years, 10 months ago) by tim-in-a-box

Not the newest one, but the one who has the lowest age in their story o:

Are they just a kid? Only 267yrs old deity? The only 40yr old nurse in your retirement home drama? No matter, it all counts, I'm just curious to see people’s OCs o:

Post them here, and you can write as much or as little as you want!

*also this is the 2nd part of the Oldest OC thread :’)

Pulcinella Applejack

i have 2 other young characters but Sophia is around 15-16 ^^

 Oliver Doresuaan

Oliver is one of my youngest!(12-14)

Apart from the triplets I have! (I haven't uploaded them here yet :'3)

The twins Beze, Heure, and Lyubo have these ages: Beze,14-15 Lyubo,12-13 and Heure,12-14

Ana Huang Lonestarcelt

Ana's my youngest at 7 

Theo JustPeachie

he's the youngest one i got, at 7 yrs old! (or at least around that lol, i might have forgotten)

second youngest is probably my bby elijah! hes 13 or 14, havent decided yet :P

Lunnie Silket computerdarling

Lunnie is 12! She’s my only child character I have right now

Dove kabuto

Dove is! I don't have a precise age for her yet but she's in the vaguely aged "toddler" status.


He's like, 2 months old, and I don't think I made something younger than that. Ever.

Rune Minn

Rune is the youngest! He's between 14-16, but nobody knows his real age. He also forgets it at times xD

Electric Jester owenpuppy21

Electric is one of 2(?) 12 year old characters I have!!

🌞| Othala Hannibalus

She is the youngest of my group haha

Edmund Twopaws fishainsley

pretty much all my OCs are teenage— adults. Edmund though is about like 6 years old (in human years/mental age) and he’s about what you’d expect from a little kiddo. he loves his big sister and eating bugs lmao



He is 5

Olluv SkystormV

Olluv is currently my youngest OC. In terms of the storyline, he’s around 8 Earth years in his first appearance.